Naas Greenway

This Urban Design/Green Infrastructure based project was carried out in conjunction with, and support from the forward planning section of Naas Town Council.

The project entails connectivity, permeability, and circulation. It looks at the existing green spaces and routes as well as highlighting and designing ways to connect these routes. There is a serious lack of ways to travel to the centre of town other than by car.  

The project aims to

  • create a car free inner route within 10 minutes walking distance of the town centre. This was done by opening up the old railway line corridor that still exists in a dilapidated and derelict state. This linked to a series of new paths created alongside the numerous streams and waterways all over the town, in back lanes and overgrown areas and all practically on public owned land.

  • create a car free link to Sallins train station 2 Km north of Naas along the Grand Canal. There are 22 trains from Sallins to Dublin and back each day. There is an existing tow path along the canal which runs north of Naas town centre towards Sallins. Much of the path is in need of repair and upgrading and new sections needed in various parts to complete the car free connection to Sallins station. There are a number wonderful hidden canal bridges and railway bridges that tell the story of a past era that was so much part of the town's development.


  • To complete an outer ring on the outskirts of the town with a Southern Cross route. This would have separate cycle and walking lanes landscaped along the route with Poplar trees giving the town an identifiable landscape to the south. A number of rest areas with shelters will be included along the route.